
Bert Teeter history in progress

The following history is a work in progress by myself (Deniane Gutke Kartchner) from the information I currently have researched and/or read. 

Bert Teeter History in Progress

Robert (Bert) William Teeter was born on 22 February 1882. His parents were Ransom Alonzo Teeter and Elizabeth Katherine Eckles.  
Bert’s father R.A. Teeter was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, in 1855. In 1856 R.A.’s family moved to Iroquois County, Illinois “where he was reared to the farming industry.”[1]
In 1877 R.A. came to Galena, Cherokee County, Kansas. The following year (1878) he “engaged in mining operations” and was “successfully connected” for a long time. [2]
R.A. and Elizabeth were married June 5, 1881 near Lamar, Barton Co., Missouri.[3] Elizabeth was a native of Hancock County, Ill.[4]  She was born July 20, 1858 (so she was 23 at the time of her marriage.)[5]
In May 1882 R.A. formed a partnership with Judge Miller and Capt. A. Arnold in an enterprise which gave employment to “four skilled workmen and turns out about twenty tons of marketable ore a day.” The History of the State of Kansas notes his official title as “Superintendent of Teeter’s crusher, Maggie Taylor tract.”[6]
According to Elizabeth’s obituary, R.A. was “a well-known mining man of Galena.” (Their last name is listed as “Teeters.”)
On February 10, 1904, Robert W. Teeter married Myrtle P. Love (Pearl).  He was 22, she was 19.  They both lived in Cherokee County, Kansas. [7] They were married by Elder W. H. South, Galena, Kansas. Marriage witnessed by Grayson Girard.[8]
Their daughter Opal wrote that her parents loved each other dearly and were faithful to each other all their married life.  “Dad said before he died that Mom was his first sweetheart and the only sweetheart he ever had.”[9]
They had seven children:  Audrey Viola, Lillie Opal, Walter William, Robert Alonzo (Pat), Earl Howard, Eva Elizabeth, Loran, and Dexter Lee.  Loran died at birth on 22 October 1922.[10]
They lived in Galena, Cherokee County, Kansas while having their children.
Bert and Pearl’s first child, Audrey, was born in Galena on 12 December of 1904.  Audrey married Lennie Lee Matson in Joplin, Jasper, Missouri on 11 November 1927.
Opal was born on 5 March 1906 in Galena. Opal was born at home on West 10th and Elm Street in Galena, Kansas.
The family moved from Elm Street when Opal was three months old and moved to West 9th Street on Widow’s Row.  They lived here until 1936 when they sold their home and moved with Opal to California, where Bert died in 1937. Opal married Byrtle Vernon Kartchner on 29 January 1938 in Los Angeles, LA, California.[11]
Bert’s mom Elizabeth died 23 February 1908. She had been an invalid since 1902, “never having recovered from a stroke of paralysis which occurred in 1901.”[12] A second stroke caused her death.[13] This means that Bert and Pearl’s children never knew her (Audrey and Opal would have been four and two years old.) This also means that the Eckles generation photo we have was taken within two years of her death, and would explain why we don’t have a later photo of her with the grandchildren.
Walter was born on 16 June 1908 in Galena.  Walter married Hazel Mae Harpool on 30 November 1929.
Pat was born on 7 March 1910 in Galena. It appears Pat never married and died on 23 December 1941 in Bell Gardens, LA, California. Opal wrote that he was sick nearly all his life and could not attend school.[14] On 23 November 1949 he was sealed to his parents in the St. George? Temple.[15]
Bert is listed on the 1910 Census as a laborer in the mines.
Earl was born on 26 April 1912 in Galena. He married Dorothy Rodgers.
Eva was born on 22 September 1914 in Galena. Eva married George Stanley Smith on 20 December 1933 in Joplin, Jasper, Missouri.
Bert registered for the draft for World War I in 1918. He was 36. His occupation is listed as _irman. His employer’s name is Empire D. Electric Co found at Empire Electric Co Riverton, Kas.  He is listed as tall with a stout build with blue eyes and brown hair.
Loran was born on 22 October 1922 in Galena. He died 22 October 1922. He lived only a short time, about 30 minutes.[16]
Dexter was born on 8 May 1924 in Galena. Dexter married Ethabell Frances Herren on 27 May 1945 in Bell Gardens, LA, California.
In 1921 Audrey and Opal--two of Bert and Pearl’s daughters--joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They were baptized in Lakeside Park, Missouri. Opal said that all of their friends turned against them. [17] They were the first members in their town in an area where strong anti-Mormon feelings existed. The Teeter family helped the missionaries in their area many times by feeding them meals, providing lodging for the night, or driving them to different places where they needed to go. [18]
In the 1930 Census Bert is listed as being the night watchman in the mining industry. Opal (24) is listed as a teacher in public school, and Earl (17) is listed as a helper on a drill rig.
Opal wrote, “I remember one Christmas we could not afford a Christmas tree, so we got a persimmon tree near our home, wrapped it with colored crepe paper which we had, made bows of paper and tied all over the tree.  Prettiest tree I remember.”[19]
Bert died on 12 November 1937 in Los Angeles, L.A. County, California.
Myrtle Pearl Love died on 29 July 1949 in Taylor, Navajo, Arizona.

[1] Obtained from a handwritten history I found among the books belonging to Robert W. Teeter’s daughter, Opal Kartchner.  The title says the info was obtained from “History of the State of Kansas” (1883; publisher, A. T.  Andreas, Chicago: Galena Biographical Sketches, page 1167.)
[2] Ibid.
[3]  Obituary clipping for Elizabeth Katherine Eckles found glued to the same page as the handwritten history about R.A. Teeter (in Opal Kartchner’s genealogy book).  I do not know what newspaper it is from. It lists her death as 23 Feb 1908. The obituary is cut off at the very bottom, omitting one or several sentences.
[4] History of the State of Kansas..
[5] Obituary clipping for Elizabeth Katherine Eckles.
[6] History of the State of Kansas.
[7] Marriage License from the Kansas State Department of Health, No. 3123, copy issued on 5 May 1975.
[8] Copy of marriage certificate.
[9] Personal history of Lillie Opal Teeter, compiled by Deniane Kartchner from a handwritten book owned by Eugene Kartchner, Opal’s son, p. 2.
[10] Group sheet, sources of information on sheet says “Personal knowledge of Robert and Pearl Teeter. Family records.”
[11] Personal history of LIllie Opal Teeter.
[12] Elizabath Katherine Eckles obituary.
[13] Elizabeth’s obituary says, “Mrs. Teeters bore her affliction without a murmur always cheerful and with a smile for family and friends, knowing that she might be called at any time. She was an example to all who knew her and when she was stricken … (obituary clipping is cut off). “
[14] Personal history of Lillie Opal Teeter, p. 4.
[15]Handwritten note by Audrey Matson, listing other work they did that day:
Audrey wrote: “The rest of the work we did that day was endowment and sealing of Len’s father and mother (Len & I) and his brother Frank (by Bro. Watson) and his sister Lillian (by Sister Watson). Then Len and his infant sister Parlie? were sealed to their parents. Here Will Altop stood proxy for Len’s father and I his mother.”
[16] Found in Opal Teeter Kartchner’s handwriting on family group sheet, sources of information on the sheet says “Personal knowledge of Robert and Pearl Teeter. Family records.”
[17]  Personal history of Lillie Opal Teeter, p. 6.
[18] Quoted in personal history from “Life Sketch of Lillie Opal Teeter Kartchner,” read at Opal’s funeral. 
[19] Personal history of Opal Teeter.


Jeff said...

Bert did not join the LDS Church during his lifetime. The ordinances were performed posthumously in 1939.

Deniane said...

Thanks, Jeff. I reworded the text to not be misleading.